Sunday, March 21, 2010

Scrambled States of...

....mind? Yeah, sometimes. But this time the title is about a book. More about it later.

Every year, in honor of our first grandchild Caleb's brief life, we (along with many other family and friends) buy a book to add to his library, shared by Charlotte and Levi.

This year, we purchased a book that came highly recommended by my friend, Maggie, who has a 4 1/2-year-old grandson, Tyler, an avid booklover. The book was "Do Unto Otters," a book about manners.

Laurie Keller is my new favorite children's author. This book is really clever and teaches a good lesson on the Golden Rule with the cutest illustrations. On the cover of the book it says "From the author of 'The Scrambled States of America.'" Doesn't that sound intriguing? I thought so too.

So at Barnes and Noble today, I checked it out.

This book will stay at Grandpa and Grandma's house. It is the most amusing book about the state of Kansas waking up one morning feeling quite unhappy. Nebraska (a very kind state) wonders what is wrong. "I don't know," moaned Kansas. I just feel bored. All day long we just sit here in the middle of the country. We never GO anywhere. We never DO anything, and we NEVER meet any NEW states." So they organize a party where all the states can meet each other, and then switch places. I highly recommend it. It made me laugh out loud.

So if you are feeling scrambled, or just bored, or know a child who might enjoy learning about the states in a really fun way, I highly recommend this book.

And on a side note, Mark and I lived in western Kansas for the first five years we were married. So really, we understand the whole concept of wanting to get out and meet some new states...