Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sewing in a Snow Globe

Saturday morning at quilt camp it looked like this. BIG flakes.I know a lot of people are really tired of the snow already. But there was a person who was sewing at the table next to us, and while she had seen snow, she had seen snow actually falling.

It snowed for about half an hour or so, then it turned back to rain. But while it was snowing, it really was like sewing inside a snow globe. Well, really more like a reverse snow globe since we were inside the glass. Uh, never mind...

I mentioned the "challenge fabric" challenge in the previous post, and by overwhelming (at least I'm quite sure it was indeed overwhelming) anonymous voting, Dotty won first place. (Sorry for the blurry picture--she doesn't really like having her picture taken so I think she was moving out of camera range as I snapped this shot...) But this was really such a cute quilt.

And what did I work on all weekend? At least from mid afternoon on Thursday until 8 p.m. on Saturday night (give or take some time for chatting...oh, and eating...), I worked on this quilt top:

Lots of little pieces. LOTS.OF.LITTLE.PIECES. But I wasn't the only one who thinks small is such fun (feel free to read that with a bit of sarcasm...).This lady was making a gazillion nine-patch blocks with one-inch pieces:

By Saturday night I was tired of small sewing. So I switched over to a quilt-along I signed up for, quilt-along being a relative term as it started weeks ago, so if I had actually done the quilt along at the same pace with everybody else, the quilt top would already be done.   Anyway, nice big pieces. Ahh....

As I was trimming my fabric, there was a bin to put scraps in. Someone retrieved my scraps and made this cute little pincushion!

By Saturday evening the sky looked like this

and then sadly, on Sunday afternoon it was time to pack up and go home until next year. I agree with Dotty: I love quilts. And quilting with friends.