Saturday, May 22, 2010

Blogger's Quilt Festival May 2010 - Cats in the Window Quilt

The Bloggers Quilt Festival is here, click this link to see all others!

Cats in the Window Quilt by Jackie Davis

Close view of the kitties "Duke and Daisy"

The front finished.

The back finished.

Why you made it...
For this reaction! No, but seriously I made it because I knew I wanted to make a cat quilt of some sort at sometime (soon) in my life. And, who better to make one for than my sister Angela, she has two wonderful (yet aging) cats, Duke and Daisy! I had the inspiration about a year before I made it! I even kept it a secret (that was real hard to do), until I gave it to her for Xmas 2009. The photo left does show her reaction. She also noticed it was her cats almost right away! I loved it! That was an extra bonus to how excited I was to make it and finish it with pride! Funny thing I noticed after completion was the colors Maroon and Gold were her High School colors. Not intentional but cute! I also made it like I do everyting I make challenge myself. I made up my own pattern and everything as I went along. I am sure this is out there somewhere, but I made it up step by step! Love to learn this craft of Quilting and want to learn all I can and improve in my craft, too!

Why it is special to you...

Because I made it for my sister Angela. She's done so much for me over the years, and I know she enjoys hand made things. I move too much to have cats and even though she has had her share of moves, her two cats have been with her through it all. They won't be around forever, but I pray this quilt will be... for my sister that is.

It's also special because it's the first "large" quilt I have done by myself including the tricky (for me) binding. I still want to quilt in a tail for the cats, but will do it at a future time! It is special because I used Guatemalan fabric on the back. It not only matched well, it just reminds us both of the country my family has been called to serve in. My sister has supported us in this too. It's a bummer to be far, but she knows we are following God's Call! This Quilt is very special to me.

What you learned about quilting/yourself while making it...

  • I found a pattern I liked while searching online for cat quilt images. Then, I used QuiltAssistant to help me make my own size and custom pattern!

  • Not a fan of the "fold forward binding" (what's the real name?), in doing it that is. I think it looks beautiful... this being my first, by myself, and I was SEW Excited it came out well!!! YEAH!!! I am so glad to practice!!! 

  • I knew I wanted to make gray and multi-brown cats. Someone on APQ Blog suggested "attic windows". After looking it up online, I agreed. So, I worked hard on selecting colors to help with the cats. It wasn't easy, but it's come together nicely, in my opinion. The side color, I wanted something bright. The bottom color, I wanted something darker for a better 'window' effect. My mother in law and I went to the open market in Guatemala. I saw a local (Guatemalan) 'tipico' material, that I thought might go. Came home, looked, and was shocked! I think it goes great!

  • I wanted the "attic Window" efect to be easy, so I found this Tutorial on Easy Attic Windows. On my solid yellow part I didn't cut it because it will be noticed. I just sewed a square on the yellow strip at a diaganol and then diagnoal sew/cut it!

  • Then, I needed to decide, face or not? So I searched online... I think face = Yes! I found this image, and I want to make sure the person gets credit for it. I did not design it.

  • I learned that with Quilting the solutions are endless and up to you.

  • I learned about myself, do not let a technique or look intimidate you.... it's just material and thread :) and let you imagintion run and do it! Have FUN have FUN have Fun!

  • I learned from seeing others inthe festival, I need to get more creative with my finished quilt photos! LOL Drape it over a chair, fence, tree or something!

Photos I tried to take of Duke and Daisy at Xmas 2009!

Thank you for looking at my Bloggers Quilt Festival entry. Click this link to see all others!

Be kind and leave me a comment, if you have the time. *hugs* Jackie