Thursday, May 6, 2010

Quilt Wrestling

Sometimes quilting turns a bit athletic, especially when you are trying to trim and square a king-sized quilt, and then sew on the binding. It's heavy and it requires some tricky maneuvering.

And you add to the degree of difficulty by not removing all extraneous things from your sewing table.

So you start trimming block by block, starting with the pink corner.
Moving on to the blue side.
And then the green.
And saving the best for last. Orange, of course!
Jessie had already made miles of binding.
And I did set up an extra table to help support the weight when I finally started sewing the binding on.
Mark has been experimenting this week with making "restaurant style" enchiladas. Not the kind you bake in the oven, but the kind they make in Mexican restaurants. The kind they stick under the broiler to melt the cheese and then always say, "Be careful. The plate is really hot." I think he has pretty much perfected the recipe. But, shhhhhh. Don't tell him. I want him to keep experimenting. And it's a good thing he was experimenting last night. Because I was able to do some major carb loading before my wrestling match!