Monday, May 10, 2010

What makes a great weekend?

Time out is my favourite thing. Although for most, Sunday was Mother's Day, for me it was all weekend. Coordinating with my family is always tough and in the end we had a breakfast together on Saturday morning. It almost killed me to wait until 9.30am for my first cup of coffee. I am a very lucky mum as my family is so easy and fun and great to be with. Lunch was spent with a lovely family whose daughter I team teach with. We ate and relaxed and I walked home in the glorious autumn sunshine. The evening was football and quilting in front of the TV.
I set Sunday morning aside for my mum. We met for morning tea and wandered around Camberwell Market afterwards. I don't get much of a chance to spend time with my mum so it was great to have her all to myself.
The afternoon was free for me to go to the Stitches and Craft Show. It was small but there was enough to keep me more than amused for a couple of hours. I loved meeting some of the bloggers I have been following these last few months and having a chat with them about the things they do. I can't imagine people wanting to buy all my things. I think these people are all amazing. Crafting is totally time consuming so putting a price on the hours spent on making a thing is so hard. I came home weary but happy and looking forward to putting together the kits I bought from Nikki at You Sew Girl.
The rest of the day was more sewing. I finished the blue and yellow yucky quilt top centre and will probably add a border to it as it's still a bit small. It looks great so I don't know why I am still calling it yucky. I started making the blocks from the linen fabrics but there are no photos yet. I am trying to find some linen fabric to work between the blocks but as yet I have not been successful in finding something that is the right price or colour.
So I got to have the whole weekend doing what I wanted to do.  My husband and sons did their own thing and I was free to do as I pleased. A very happy Mother's Day indeed.