Saturday, July 31, 2010

James 3 - Taming the Tongue

7All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and creatures of the sea are being tamed and have been tamed by man, 8but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison

I think most of us understand this verse. Why did choose this verse???? for myself. Tomorrow, I am picking up my son from my ex husband and I need to keep this verse in my mind especially when communicating with the ex.

The book of James is a short book of the bible so if you are just getting started reading the bible its a good place to start, I think. Most people recommend The Gospels --Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Lets just say if you are starting to read the bible just start. You won't be sorry.

Here is a friendship card I made:

All Done!

Remy the neighbours's cat.

All 4 quilts are finally bound and ready to go so here they are.

This was for someone at school that Rivka and I both work with.
The  colours are great.
Signed with free motion quilting on the machine.

Similar colours to the first one.
Sweet back.

These were not my favourite colours. The morning sun washed them out which is actually a blessing!

I loved the back though.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Friends and Sharing

Tonight I wanted to post my mini cards and describe each one however I wrote the post over and over again yet never got it right. Why you might ask? Because something else was in my heart to share tonight. This is what I want to share:

Psalm 30:5

For his anger is but for a moment. His favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may stay for the night, but joy comes in the morning.

I'm not a pastor, theologian or scholar but a regular girl who has this verse
on heart and in her mind today.

This is how I interpret this verse:

God may become angry but will forgive us of our sins if we repent. God will give us the favor which is Gods forgiveness and if we believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, everlasting life.

Our lives will have sad moments, happy moments and even angry moments but in the end; its his favor that lasts a lifetime.

Refresh your mind in God's word each day and find joy in something that day.

I hope this verse will touch someones heart and have meaning.
Remember we all can live in God's Graces.

Until tomorrow.

OK---Maybe one mini card--the Tim Holtz distressed inks, angel stamped card.

Note to my hexie swap partner

I have almost all of my swap hexies made and they will be ready to go into the mail on Monday.

I worked on them outside this afternoon:

And this was my view:

I carefully put them back in their cute little box:

And the next thing I knew, they had jumped out to pose next to this piece of driftwood.

I'm pretty sure the little owl was the ringleader. So if you find a grain of sand, just dust it off...

Feature(less) Friday: WIP report instead

I didn't have anything to FEATURE today. Not that I don't have a resource to share, I just didn't type it up in advance for today. Forgive me. :)

I have had a busy week for sure! I'm a momma of three amazing kids with limitless energy ages 5, 3, and 1. I am also 3 months pregnant and counting. I do not have the option of daycare/school or taking them to a relatives house (i live in Guatemala!). So it's all me... all the time. Now do not get me wrong... I do have an AMAZING Husband who helps as soon as he gets home from work (serving in our ministry). He does the bedtime routine way better and is just a wonderful partner in this whole parenting thing (and an even better godly husband!) ! While he does that, I have been cutting my 4x4s for my 9-patch quilt, more to come on that!

Ok, no one likes a "Quilt Blog" that does not talk about Quilting or without photos more than me, so I have segwayed into quilting with my last sentence. LOL


Top projects, I am working on:
  • Cutting any more 4x4s for my Stash 9-patch, then I get the creative part of matching the squares into beautiful 9-patches (if possible, heehee) to sew!

  • Continue to work on leaders and enders while I do any other sewing! It's fun to use these 2.5 squares as my leaders and enders and before i know it I will have blocks or sashing sewn for a quilt!

  • Needs (to finish these projects):
Backing for the "Grandma Polyester Quilt" - I got great feed back on batting and backing on this quilt, so I am looking for a lightweight plaid and thin batting for this beauty.

I need a tan or beige for sashing for this Neighborhood Block Swap Quilt.
I don't have any and willing to SWAP Fabric if you want!!!

Batting for several quilts I have backs and fronts ready. Mainly Baby quilts for the baby dedication quilts I make. I do have a few larger sized blankets I want to make with my larger pieces of fabric for charity quilts for my Agatha Victims Project.

The rest, I guess you could call UFOs
since they have sat longer than 6-12 months! heehee

  • my daughter's butterfly quilt. Those from APQ may remember me making the blocks, I now need to put them together to complete the top!

  • my husband's t-shirt quilt. I am waiting for him to go through his t-shirts.

  • my high school track t-shirt quilt. I made two smalled t-quilts for myself and just have this one left. I was last selecting sashing but want to find Fun track-type fabric if possible out there??

  • Noah's Ark Panel, It's pinned and ready to hand or machine quilt, I don't know which to do... I think Hand is best but I don't know what to do, never done it.
Then there are projects I add to my
"Want to do in my lifetime PROJECTS":
I figure If I keep busy with all this, I have less time to think about how fast the kids are growing up and will be out before I know it! Sewing will always be here for me... right!? As long as I have a Project List!

How about you? do you have a list or is sewing therapy to you as it is for me??!!

I am thankful for having 14 Followers! I hope I didn't bore you! *hugs*


Creative Cues and a New Quilt Top

I've been slowly catching up with the Creative Cue words I haven't interpreted yet in my sketchbook. This week I made a lot of catch-up progress. The first photo is my interpretation of the cue word speak. This word was a tough one for me.

Creative Cue: Speak

Creative Cue: Nail

Creative Cue: Cloud

Creative Cue: Pink This is a purple coneflower that is growing in my garden. I am a bit puzzled why these are called "purple" as they appear much more pink to me. Anyway, this bloom is trying to be pink but can only get half way there. I seem to have a branch or two on my plant that has these types of booms...perhaps they are deformed.

Creative Cue: Book

And this is a new quilt top that I've been working on the past few days. It measures approximately 40" x 54" at this point. Now I need to get it layered and start quilting on it.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

My Favorite Word *******ANGEL*******

Cindy asked other bloggers what our favorite word is. My favorite word is Angel.

Definition and photo from wikipedia.....Angels are messengers of God in the Hebrew Bible. The term "angel" has also been expanded to various notions of "spiritual beings" found in many other religious traditions. Other roles of angels include protecting and guiding human beings.

Sometimes life brings us more than we can stand alone, we need to be closer to God but we also need guiding human beings aka ANGELS. Join the link party at Cindy’s blog I Owe It All To Him and tell us all about it.
Thanks Cindy for this link party, its my first. Exciting :).

Our Home: the prim nest....

I nicknamed our home the prim nest because it is our little nest and I love to fill it with old primitive items. One day soon, I will take pictures of more of the little primitive items I have in our nest.
This primitive wall hanging, I made this a few years ago, using wools and flannels. I do love wool never to wear but to decorate with. I hand embroidered little beads on it. The black crow shows in most every country primitive home. The little cherries in his mouth make seem as if he is offering a welcome to the guest. It is sitting beside an old white wooden corner shelf that has chipped paint. I love old items with their chipped off paint. I think it gives character to the furniture. I wonder where the item has lived and what the families were like. I can spend hours wandering through old antique markets. Its so hard for me to buy new things when there are so many wonderful old things available.

Visit often, and please leave comments.

Nine Patch Project: Name and Update

Sew... I started this Nine Patch (9P) project because of a stack of precut blocks I had and thought "I better do something with them NOW or they will just sit and collect dust." We cannot have beautiful fabric sit and collect dust! It calls to be displayed and admired!

We all have these beautiful stashes, and they are folded (maybe) and put on shelves, bins, and such. Also, I have heard people talk about saving a piece of fabric from all the quilts they make and give away. Well to conquer:
  1. Showing Off your stash while also seeing what you have at a glance, and
  2. keeping a piece of fabric from your stash for memento purposes
...WHY NOT Cut a piece of all your fabrics in your stash, NOW! :)

That is what this project has now become, my stash portfolio in 9-Patch form and a memory of all the fabrics (not too sure if I will ever has this amazing stash again). Some may like and some may not, but it's what I have decided on progressively - Heehee!!!

I am cutting a 4x4 out of *almost* EVERYTHING in my stash and making a "MY STASH 9 Patch!"

some Guatemalan Tipico fabric - love it!

I’m having fun and laughing at myself that these squares ended up being the inspiration to the project! and now all my beautiful fabrics have a 4x4 cut out of them!

and if this isn't bad enough... this project is spinning off other projects... with fabric that are more juvenile and kid-fun, I am saving those 4x4s to the side for an I-Spy Quilt.... hilarious huh!?

Have YOU ever had a small thing end up into a BIG project?? surely not. (is any one out there?)

I am excited to see more "followers" I guess i could take myself off the list! LOL sad huh!? oh well. [:o)

Beware, your project list can grow out of control before your know it! So can your UFOs and WIPs while you make BOMs and all you want is R&R. LOL KWIM! 

My 2nd Earthly Angel

Cindy Adkins, who I didnt know until yesterday when my other Angel, Sherry, said go to her blog and get on her prayer list. I went to her blog, it was so nice, I loved the name and the look. I was distracted due to issues with my ex husband and our son, Austin. All i could find was her email address so I emailed her and asked to be put on her prayer list. I thought she would do a silent prayer and I wouldn't know. However, she emailed me back and emailed me a lovely prayer; which I prayed and prayed. I had been praying for several days and trying to remain calm but as the days passed I worried more about my son. My ex husband was threatening not to give him back. Cindy emailed me several times yesterday, sharing experiences of her own and just chatting with me. I woke up this morning, I had not heard from my son in over a day.

This morning, during my bible study, the phone rang and it was the ex husband, I said outloud I will answer that when I am finished with my bible study. I finished up, prayed for strength, patience and wisdom. The message left by my ex husband was call me its about Austin. I called he says "You won" I said what do you mean? "Meet me Sunday at the normal place and time". Can everyone say hurray!!!! I am so HAPPY. Praise God and all his glory.
Until next time, I think we should all believe in Angels.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Do you believe in Angels?

Many people talk of Angels and their beliefs vary. I think I do believe in Angels, not necessary the ones with wings but just everyday people who somehow become your angel. These angels make your day a little brighter and a little happier. I have two of these. One I just met today which I am posting about tomorrow. My summer angel who has been there for me eventhough I live in Georgia and she lives in WA, Sherry (scrappingwithsherry). Sherry has shared supplies with me,introduced me to papercrafting and blogging with a passion. Today I made this while thinking of these two angels. Til Tomorrow ...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

We just finished the bookmark swap

Our group is new so please feel free to come and join us; link below I want to show you the bookmark I made for the swap. I wanted a famous author, I used a decoupaged image of him on a piece of cardstock that I aged with tea and coffee stain. I used a litle ribbon just to add a little something extra to it. I think it came out very nice. If you dont know, I have only been paper crafting for about 2months now. I found our group on paperbackswap when the group just started. I am so thankful to have found it. I really enjoy making the swaps and our moderator, Sherry, always has a challenge of the week that I enjoy because it gives me an idea and a opportunity to try something new.

So here's to reading

Nieghborhood Block Swap Update

I got my blocks for my fellow Swappers! They are awesome in so many ways! One they looke great and two inspecting them teaches me SO much on how to do this better in the future. The stitches and the thread choice and just over all execution of the applique and block. I have MUCHO to learn. These ladies are tops!

What to do with these? Make a wall hanging? or throw? I would like to make a throw. I feel if I don't make something we'll use, then it will get packed and never seen. Or 'worse case' I could get a 12x 12 scrap book and display them there but how boring!!! heehee

So I am thinking throw and adding filler blocks to help it grow. I was thinking to also have a tan or earth tone  sashing. I am using a piece of tan i have for IDEA purposes....

It was very hard to take a photo of this and get it all in, so this is actually two photos put together so you can see it all.
As you can see in the lower right a 'empty' block that I will fill with something. I am still debating on whether i should put a tree or something on the filler blocks. any ideas???

Monday, July 26, 2010

Kitty Trio Progress

I've gotten quite a bit accomplished on the cat quilt in the past few days. After the thread arrived (in super fast time, I might add, thanks to a great eBay seller) I got the quilting all finished.

Next I added flower stems. I auditioned a few different ways to add stems to the flowers, including novelty yarn, ribbon, perle cotton, and fabric. In the end I opted to machine stitch with a heavy weight thread and I stitched each stem line three times. I wanted thin stems as that was my original vision from my sketch.

Here it is laying on my studio floor. As you can see I'm in the process of hand stitching the binding on.

I did add a few painted highlights and shading but decided to do so sparingly. If you look in the photo above you can see that I've shaded the area straight up from the feet, to indicate the shadow between their legs. I also did some shading on the feet, neck, face, and flowers. Here are some detail shots:

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Rustic Stars

I saw this idea in a library book and decided to give it a try,my home is decorated in the primitive look, old baskets, hand stitcheries on muslin, mason jars etc. Its a very simple project to make, just take sticks from your yard and put in star shape, take twine and tie the ends together. Fun, fast, cute. I like it!! I love antiques, even if they are not worth alot of money. I think of the history of where it lived, how it was used and the people that used it.

Teaching the Trade... sewing

So glad my daughter loves to sew with me :)

I gave her my scrap bag I was going to use for a Crumb quilt but she needs to practice and I thought it was perfect. She had fun making things up.

she made this 'bracelet' for her baby sister

Any ideas on how to teach the craft of sewing? I don't want her to only think quilting is all she can do with a machine :) Thanks in advance for your ideas!!!


Saturday, July 24, 2010


I spent a couple of hours today making some new screens for screen printing. I use a product called PhotoEZ to create my screens. I had some PhotoEZ left over from last year and thought I better get it used up. When I pulled out the instruction sheet I read that it should be used within an approximate six-month time frame and if storing it, it should be stored in the refrigerator. EEEEEEK! I didn't follow the directions very well as I've had this stuff around a year and I had it on a shelf in one of my cupboards.

Well I am happy to say it worked perfectly! Yay! I made six new screens today and I still have a couple of unused sheets left. I need to figure out yet what kind of image I want for the last two sheets. I'm hoping to do that within a few days.

Here are the images I did today. These are my digital images, I haven't yet tested the screens themselves to see how they print.

This first image is something I created in Photoshop. I started with one diamond shape and then repeated it. Next I used a Photoshop "brush" to add the distressed look.

Next is an image I manipulated in Photoshop. This image came from a photograph I took of a square flower pot I have outside that has a raised or embossed image on the side.

This next image is from another photograph from my garden. It is a succulent plant that I think is called Hen and Chicks or something like that.

Next is an image I manipulated in Photoshop. This image started out as a photograph of a glass dome ceiling.

This next image is one I created from corrugated cardboard. I peeled the top layer off one side of the cardboard and was left with the ridges. Then I took a piece of copy paper and did a charcoal rubbing. I sprayed the rubbing with a fixative and then scanned it into my computer. I manipulated it in Photoshop and this is the result.

And last is a drawing I created online with a cool drawing program. It's called Scribbler Too and is so fun to play with. After I saved the drawing to my computer I manipulated it in Photoshop. I'm not sure how this one will print with all those fine lines, but we'll find out.

Life long dream

I'd love to publish a book with my quilts in. It's a dream that "won't go away". I have an acclaimed author friend who will write an accompanying story to each quilt. Sounds like an amazing concept to me..... why is life so hectic? will I ever get down to it?

La la la la!

Elmo's world.

Be patient, she is trying soooo hard!