Friday, July 16, 2010

Feature Friday: The Fabric Bar

I was first introduced to The Fabric Bar by a Giveaway! (and won!) :-) Amy was so generous with her giveaway, and I still have yet to make something with the precious fabrics that I got to choose! They are too cute to cut! (is that possible, yes).

Since then, I have enjoyed the Blog and the Shop (ok the "sale" rack) LOL! The Fabric Bar is also on Facebook, too.

This is a photo of my recent Purchase with The Fabric Bar... Yummy, huh?!

I do a lot of baby/children charity quilts, so I went for more of the colorful, fun, children prints! Well, the Bot Camp ones I might use to make my son a quilt! :) How fun will that be!? The hearts, well I just like hearts and that fabric was unique to me!

Thank you Fabric Bar!!



Disclaimer: "Feature Friday" is solely my opinion about a webspace online that pertains to the quilting hobby. I am not paid, compensated, or gifted by any of the "Features" posted here. I am a Quilter with an Opinion and Desire to SHARE Resources I use for my hobby :)