Friday, July 23, 2010

Taking the show on the road

Tomorrow morning Mark and I leave for our management week at Lakeview Cottages. Thinking optimistically that I will actually have some time to relax after management duties are done, I have prepared this little travel box, purchased on sale at Borders yesterday:

I put two little Mary Engelbriet magnets in the lid just in case I need pins for something. Probably not. But it never hurts to be prepared. And the magnets are too cute.

Lots of fabric squares cut and ready to go, with no repeats (so far...):

My organizer, sadly which is still looking quite empty:

And some of my favorites, which I get out occasionally just to sigh over:

And in case you are wondering, the car will be full because I'm also taking along all my friends, old and new (even the loudmouth, although I'm bringing along a sibling who seems a little more subdued):

Here's hoping no fights break out in the car on the drive up, and that we will all come home happy, rested and well bonded with each other in our respect friendship groups!