Monday, April 18, 2011

Double Irish Chain Baby Quilt Progress

Thanks to the back-up sewing machine that my sister-in-laws gave me over a month ago I was able to make some progress on the Double Irish Chain baby quilt that I am making for my niece and her soon to be daughter, "Breanne".  I figured out the tension issue on the machine.  I am fairly happy with the back of the quilt.  It is my first time using Bonnie Hunter's book "Word Play Quilts". 
To the right of the name "Breanne" I added a signature block.  I'm not sure if that's the place I should have put it, but there it is.  Now that I look at the picture I should have probably put it below the name and running parrellel with it.  (I am going to have to change that today.
Kudo's to the back-up Kenmore Ultra Stitch 8 -- Which by my guess is from the 70's.  I don't think I will do my first machine quilting project with it.  I will wait until the Viking returns.

... Thanks, Johnna's mom!

Jonquils & Ladybugs has a great giveaway going right now... she's offering up a completed quilt made from the fabulous Castle Peeps line!

There is also a great giveaway with FIVE pattern prizes!!!  Check it out at
