Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thankful Thursday - Things I love

Today I am thankful for all the things that are keeping me going this week.

1. Coffee - you are always there in the morning to give me a little boost! You are the perfect vehicle for my favorite flavored creamer!

2. Water - Every morning you help wake me up in the shower, you are helping me flush out all the crap in my system and by drinking a lot of you each day I am provided with ample opportunities to get up from my desk for much needed breaks I would otherwise forget about.

 3. iPod Touch - You provide some much needed distractions at the end of my day. Music is such an escape for me and all the games are a great mindless activity.

4. My boys!! These two guys put up with me every day and still love me at the end of each one. That are the light in my life, they make me smile, laugh out loud and make me proud to call myself their wife and mama.