Monday, April 25, 2011

Drive-by (photo) Shooting

First of all, after this post, I'll leave the word "photo" out of the title. Here's the deal: Mark takes pictures. While driving. I know--don't notify the California Highway Patrol. So you all realize there will never be any blood and guts pictures when I post further "drive-by shootings," right?

Okay. The other day he and our friend George went up to Lakeview Cottages. If you have read my blog at any point during the summer, you have already read about our rental cabins at Huntington Lake, a gorgeous, quiet lake at 7000-foot elevation. One of my favorite things to do: sewing on the deck of an unrented cabin, with a view of the lake.

Our rental season runs for fifteen weeks and starts the first weekend after Memorial Day. Last year, we lost our first rental week because there was too much snow and the water had not been turned on yet.

That was last year. It can't happen two years in a row, right?

Mark and George borrowed some snowmobiles on Friday, to go around the lake and check things out. So you see, technically these photos are not drive-by shootings, as he actually stopped and got off the snowmobile at times.

Anyway, our rental season starts in about five weeks. Tell me what you think our chances are of opening on June 4.
See the street sign?
Our "commons" area with the tetherball pole sticking up through the snow

Cabin G, "our" cabin in the off season.

Reservations, anyone?