Thursday, April 21, 2011

Single Parents ~ How Do They Do It?

As many of you know, I am an only child who was raised by a wonderful single mom. All of my aunts at one time or another were also single parents to my cousins. I just want to know how they did it for so long.

This week I had a horrible stomach bug that had me down for the count for two days. My hubby works until 9:00 most nights and I have been a faux "Single Mom" four nights a week since he went back to work. Those nights have their ups and downs as they will with a strong-willed 5 year-old boy. This past Tuesday was a true test to my strength. This was day one of the stomach bug and it was in full effect, if you know what I mean. At 4:30 that afternoon, I finally mustered up enough energy to pick Ethan up from the sitter's house. By the time we got home, I was totally exhausted. I sat on my couch thinking, "How do single mothers do this?" How do they find the energy to do this by themselves while they are sick? My poor son had to be a very big boy that night because I had just enough energy to make him a peanut butter sandwich for dinner. He had to get himself dressed for bed, pick up all his toys by himself among other tasks I typically assist him with each night. He was quite the trooper and had a little empathy for his poor sick mommy, but mostly kept on asking when I would not be sick anymore.

I never really recall times when my mom was sick but I am sure I was helpful just like my son was that night for me. I am so grateful to not be taking this parenthood journey all on my own. I admire all the women out there that do take this journey on their own and hope to someday find the strength within myself that they have. Let’s all give a huge cheer for all the single moms out there; they are some of the strongest women in the world I know!