Wednesday, April 6, 2011

WIP Wednesday #21: Special Guest Blogger

I sat down to write my WIP post and Mark (my husband) told me he had already written it. What? Alrighty then. Without further ado, welcome my first guest blogger:

For weeks, really longer than I want to admit, I could not figure out what WIP meant. I was hesitant to ask because I knew when I asked it would be some thing so simple and Cindy would be thinking “duh”, so I didn’t ask.

So there were a few things I came up with, but I knew it had to be something quilt related because everyone responded. “Wednesday in Patterns” was a thought because there were pictures of blocks. “Wednesday in Piecing” but that didn't seem quite right and no one mentioned how well her points lined up. Week after week all these other three-letter words kept popping up (unlike the construction business where mostly I hear four-letter words!), like FMF, KJR, ISO, OOP, ETA and more I can’t even remember. And  I hadn’t even figured out WIP. This was like reading a foreign language.

Finally I came up with the one that I knew was WIP, "Wednesday's Inappropriate Pictures."  That week Cindy posted about 10 pictures and I looked and there were no good inappropriate pictures. When I told Cindy that she needed to tell me what WIP meant, she asked me what I thought  it was so I told her. Can you believe when she told me, she didn’t say “duh”--she laughed at me.

The first time I saw a comment with FMF I thought, wow, this is a friendly bunch: “Friends More Forever” but then I saw it was a FMF giveaway and I knew it wasn’t what I thought, because you don’t give away friends. The first time I saw KJR I thought it must be some kind of jelly roll. I remember the first time I heard Cindy talking at a quilt show and she was talking about getting some jelly rolls.  I was excited since I didn’t expect donuts at a quilt show. Then she showed me one,  and I felt really let down (What? No maple bars??) but I was good and didn’t show too much disappointment.

One more thing.

I was going to comment on one of Cindy’s posts and I told her to let me know when it went up. She did, but I was in the middle of something at work so I was about 20 minutes late and already eight of you had commented. How in the heck can you be that quick?

As a first-time guest blogger, I'm really looking forward to your comments. So be snappy about it.
 There's not much more to be said this week, so here is what I worked on in the past week. My Single Girl quilt-along.

Nine rings of Hope Valley prints (please excuse the annoying post-it notes):

Three rings of solids:

Side by side:
And Mary Ellen's Best Press, my new BFF for sewing these wacky Single Girl Quilt-Along (SGQA) units together. (Shhhhh. Don't tell him what SGQA means. It will take him weeks to figure that one out...)