Monday, June 13, 2011

Oh Susannah Quilt Top Complete

The quilt top from the Oh Susannah mystery quiltalong is done  You can find the mystery quiltalong at  It turned out to be the perfect design for the fabric choices.  I think of my husband's laundry when I see this quilt--well, because it is!  There are a lot of scraps of old jeans with character marks of concrete and paint stains.  Every time my husband saw me working on the quilt he commented how much he liked the colors.  I thought to myself... he should, they are his clothes.  There is a brown/tan that looks like Carharts and there's a navy blue print that looks like his hankerchiefs.

I am not very good at photography.  The quilt was too big to hang on the clothesline.  Finished size of the top is 71" x 90".  Here it is on the side of the old barn.  It needed a masculine place.  I plan a pieced back in flannel (some fabric, some his shirts).  I'm not sure how it will be quilted yet since the denim is a little thick in spots.  But it surprisingly lays nice and flat thanks to the design.  If you have any machine quilting ideas, please please speak up!