Thursday, June 30, 2011

Really Random Thursday

It rained yesterday in Fresno. Normally the rain stops in April and we don't see it again until November. But yesterday it was cool and rainy.

It is hard to photograph rain.

But it did make the yard look so cool and refreshing. And yes, we really do have a trombone as a water fountain.

We also have one that I use as a quilt rack.

Yesterday when I posted about the Weekender Bag finally being completed, I added a picture of Courtney, who is the granddaughter of my friend, Candy. She was posing with a bag that Candy had just completed and she looked so cute.
 So naturally I wanted a picture of Charlotte posing with the Weekender. Charlotte thinks it is sweet that I have a friend named Candy. (I think she may have actually said she thought it was "cool" but I think "sweet" is more appropriate.)

When our first grandchild, Caleb, was born and then passed away three days later, some verses kept running through my head. My father was a minister and often closed the service with these words:
"May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you. May the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace." I asked my dad what the scripture passage was and he said it was Numbers 6:22-26. When I looked it up in the Bible, I was shocked to read the verses immediately before, which were: The Lord said to Moses, "Tell Aaron and his sons...." Aaron is our son's name and I knew at that moment that it was no accident these verses were running through my head and giving me peace. My friends, Dave and Debbie, engrave words on rocks, and they made this for my keychain. Isn't it awesome?
The rain stopped by noon and the rest of the day was beautiful. We ate supper outside.

Played baseball.

And ate icecream.

And now the weather will get back to "normal" around here:
I leave for Minnesota a week from today for a quilting retreat. I'm taking my Featherweight, named Bonnie. Mark is used to my penchant for naming things, like quilts and his fused glass creations. For some reason he thinks naming my sewing machine is silly and never calls her by her proper name.
I don't think naming her is silly at all. Her case even has her name on it.
The other night when Mark and I were talking about the things I would need to take along for the retreat and the best way to pack them, I heard these words:

You're taking Bonnie along, right?

There was a moment of silence, and then he said:

I can't believe I just said that.
