Thursday, June 23, 2011

We're (finally!!) in business

After having to cancel our first two rental weeks here at Lakeview Cottages, and after shoving three weeks of work into three days, we are finally open for business and guests have arrived!

We had record snowpack this year. It went from this on June 2
to this, taken this morning (see that little snowdrift in the background?)
There isn't enough water in the lake yet to float our boats (that is kind of fun to say...), at least not the motorzized fleet. They are still resting on a snowbank.

But the kayaks, canoes, rowboat and paddle boat are ready to go. Here at LVC we like to name our nonmotorized fleet, so there is a kayak with my name on it, the "Cindy Lou." This year we named the paddle boat the  "Cheri Lynn." Cheri chose the paddleboat for her namesake because that is where George proposed to her.

Cleaning up the waterfront involved walking through snowdrifts to get to the shore.
We had some extra help, including Jill (putting the decal on the paddleboat) and Jason (being very helpful with many tasks throughout the weekend).

Don't get the wrong impression that it is all work and no play. We still take time out to enjoy the view.

Mark was able to capture these pictures, taken at the same time.

Cheri, raking:
George, snoozing contemplating what needs to be done next:

And then the guests started arriving. It doesn't take them long to get into the swing of things. Some of our long-time guests were spread out in four cabins, and at least over the weekend there were nine kids under the age of 12, eight boys and one girl.
Wondering if we actually rent to real pirates up here? Cal (aaaarrrrr....) probably wouldn't like me posting this picture of him, but you have to do something to keep the kids entertained, so they were having a pirate scavenger hunt.

Not only did the guests arrive this week, the fish decided to show up as well. Can you believe the size of these rainbow trout?

Mark and I went down to the valley on Sunday afternoon, and I came back up yesterday afternoon, and stopped to take a picture of Big Creek on the way.
I arrived just in time for this very excellent meal shared by the same "pirate" crew, only last night they had a Hawaiian luau theme going.
Believe me. I was glad to be back up here at 7,000 feet elevation where the high temp today is going to be a balmy 73 degrees. Tuesday night in Fresno, we decided to go to a Grizzlies game (the AAA affiliate of the San Francisco Giants). It was 105 when we got to the stadium! By the third inning, it was starting to cool down and there was a bit of a breeze, so by the end of the game it was very pleasant.

In a few minutes I will be setting up my sewing machine and starting on the Farmer's Wife blocks. Carla from Lollyquiltz and I will be doing a Farmer's Wife Friday series. We tossed around different ideas and finally decided to follow the book from start to finish, including some comments on the letters, which are really fascinating to me. So we'll each be making the same blocks each week. She is using prints, and I'm using....well, I guess you'll just have to come back tomorrow to find out!