Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Jelly Roll Giveaway to Benefit Terry of Terry's Treasures

In case you have not yet heard, Terry, of Terry's Treasures, husband had a serious accident this week.  Laurie of A Yankee Quilter is putting together a benefit to help Terry's family.  Laurie can be reached at:   Laurie would like as many quilters as possible to send her a 9 1/2" unfinished block in Terry's colors of red, blue, yellow and brown.  She will enter each quilter who sends a block into a drawing for the Americana jelly roll.  The deadline is November 15 for Laurie to receive the blocks.  If you pass this along on your blog to reach out to others, additional entries will be added.  Lastly, it would be so nice to tuck an extra few dollars in with the block to help with shipping with any leftover monies going to Terry's family to help them out during this difficult time.

We will keep Terry's family in our thoughts and prayers.  Tudy, at is Terry's mom.


After a day of sweltering heat on Saturday, we got to Alden Lane at about 7:30. Our booth was set up already, it was nice and cool, so we sat on a bench to eat our breakfast and enjoy the view.
This was the scene that greeted people each morning as they came to the nursery.

Since they had to rehang the quilts on Sunday morning, the view from our booth now included the fronts of every other quilt.

Loved the backs of these two quilts:
And this color wheel just made my heart sing.
It was a great weekend, even with the heat. The local quilt shop in Livermore is going to teach classes using each of my patterns, and as always we made new friends and connected with old friends.
I'll leave you with this parting thought...

Open Studio Tour

The theme of the Fall 2009 issue of Studios is Open Studios, so they're kicking it off with a virtual tour, and you're invited to participate. Stop back here on Saturday October 3rd and I'll have a tour of my studio for you. I look forward to seeing all the studios of those who participate.

Click over to this post for the tour.

The Artist's Way

I am starting to work through the book "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron. I have started it a couple of times before but have never got past the first couple of chapters. Life just runs away.....I really like the idea of an Artist's Date once a week where you get to visit an Art Gallery or any other inspiring place. Am looking forward to the challenge.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Thoughts for Terry and Baltimore Halloween

If you have any time, please stop by and leave some kind thoughts and words for Terry over at she and her family are dealing with a tough time right now; I am sure she would appreciate knowing that we are all thinking of them.

On a quick Baltimore Halloween note, I am busy prepping blocks to take with me to sew at night while I am away for work.  A little sneak peak at one:

I will play with her position a little more before I pin her down for the applique.  It is a little later than I had planned, so until tomorrow I am quiltingly yours,

Book Covers

Well clearly I am almost all by myself in my favorite painted papers in the post below. Perhaps I have no taste? I'd like to think I have taste. But I think it all comes down to everyone having their own preferences and when an artist makes a grouping of art pieces, I imagine the pieces they like the least may be the ones that sell first in some instances.

So let's have a little more input. I made three composition book covers today. I have my favorite, but I'm not going to tell you which one it is this time. Do you have a favorite? Please let me know which one you like best. We'll see if I picked "wrong" again.

I'm not sure if I'm done with these yet or not. I'm contemplating adding a word or some text to the covers yet.

quiltish---does a giveaway

One of my favorite etsy shop owners (and blogger) is doing a 100th post giveaway. Allisa Jacobs, owner of quiltish, makes some really cute (really cute) things. These are two of my favorites right now, because it was too hard to narrow it down to just one.

pictures by Allisa Jacobs

I post this somewhat reluctantly because although I certainly want to get the word out on how awesome quiltish really is, doesn't this actually decrease my chances of winning?? Ah, well. I'll take my chances....or lack thereof.

Frustrations and Mulberry Bushes

I have just been though a period where I get very despondant and frustrated with where I am going artwise and with life in general. It seems as though my brain decides that the world is going to end tomorrow and I have to be a world famous quilter before then. Sigh....Fortunately it is just a phase and, with the helpof some wonderful friends throughout the world, I come out of the other end fairly unscathed with a new sense of purpose and understanding of myself. Thanks to all my wonderful friends.

I suppose the question that begs to be asked is: "Why does one have to go through emotional turmoil to grow as a person/artist? Can't this insight happen while one is sleeping?" :LOL. I suppose not. BTW, the reference to the mulberry bush in the title of this post is a reference to the fact that one keeps having to go round the same circles of life to learn the lessons of life.

Design Wall Monday

Design Wall Monday
I have a designs wall at last. After thinking about it for a month or so. I know it's not much but it works. I decided to put it behind the door so its out of view when you look in to the room. If hubby doesn't see it I won't have to explain it to him.

Here is the string quilt blocks I am just starting. A month ago or so I bought a bag of sewing odds and ends(fabric, thread. lace, ribbon, zippers, and bias tape pkgs). The bias tape intrigued me. I will never use them for the purpose they were meant. Some are wide and I am going to use them as the center strip for the string blocks, see the grey. (I did wash a couple pieces and they didn't shrink so I'm safe on that front.)There are about 4 shades of grey and if they run out I could do the outside blocks in navy or light blue I'll wait to see what I end up with.

And on the floor is Judy's one Hour Quilt. I'm still a couple hours behind.

Design Wall Monday

Design Wall Monday
I have a designs wall at last. After thinking about it for a month or so. I know it's not much but it works. I decided to put it behind the door so its out of view when you look in to the room. If hubby doesn't see it I won't have to explain it to him.

Here is the string quilt blocks I am just starting. A month ago or so I bought a bag of sewing odds and ends(fabric, thread. lace, ribbon, zippers, and bias tape pkgs). The bias tape intrigued me. I will never use them for the purpose they were meant. Some are wide and I am going to use them as the center strip for the string blocks, see the grey. (I did wash a couple pieces and they didn't shrink so I'm safe on that front.)There are about 4 shades of grey and if they run out I could do the outside blocks in navy or light blue I'll wait to see what I end up with.

And on the floor is Judy's one Hour Quilt. I'm still a couple hours behind.

Monday, September 28, 2009

A New Lunch Bag and Giveaways!

Wow, the giveaways are running rampant!  There are three more to include this evening: 

The first one is in memory of Janice's mum from Scotland.  She passed a year ago on October 5, and Janice is having a giveaway in memory of her.  She has a Gooseberry Patch Christmas Book no. 6 and the fat quarters pictured below.  So visit her for a chance.
The next two are both online quilt shops that are having grand opening giveaways.  Take a look at both of these!
Great fabrics, patterns and the most delicious imported ribbon you have ever seen at:!!!.html

Here you will find a great flannel shop:  and I know several of you quilters who just love flannels!  So check out all three!

On another note a new bag to show you, called The Lunch Tote!  Easy to make and a perfect size for a lunch or whatever...This is the second one I have made using almost the same fabric; gave the first one away, had to change a couple pieces but still love this one. 

Well, it is early so I am off to do a little more prep work on my Baltimore Halloween.  I have to be away for work for four days and will take applique to do in moments of down time, if there is any.  I really want to be prepared though, I know I can't sit without doing anything and would be kicking myself if I do have time and didn't bring anything to work on!  So until tomorrow, I will be quiltingly yours,

Catching Up

Well, it's been a busy week, (see "Note" below.)
I have lots of chores and blogs to catch up with and I have no new quilts to show, but I can show you two fabric designs which I have been working on and that I just ordered from Spoonflower.

I decided to go with two colorful patchwork, "cheater cloth" designs. I thought that they offered some really fun sewing possibilities and I am excited to see how they look as actual fabric!

I'll be sure to post the fabric once I receive it :0)


Note: After a very busy week, with lots of last minute details, (no matter how well prepared and organized one is, and my daughter is, there are always last minute details!) I am happy to report that as of early this morning, eldest daughter has arrived safe and sound in London! Whew!

Both of us are a wee bit obsessive compulsive and all the "what if?" questions such as, "what if the car breaks down on the way to the airport?" can become exhausting... the fear of something going wrong was growing with each day, so knowing that she made it, that she is finally in the place that she has longed to be in for years... I am very happy and very grateful!
(Love you, Em!)

Earth, Water, Air and Fire

I recently made four art quilts using hand dyed paper towels and dryer sheets. I then stitched the small paper quilts to painted canvas. These represent the four elements of Earth, Water, Air and this one is FIRE.
Click on photos to see details.




These are for sale in my ETSY store, but could go on display before they sell.

2009 Stash Report

I've been cleaning my stash and trying to get an amount of how much fabric I really have. I moved it to this bookshelf with the hope all the folded fabric would fit. I am over by about 80 yds Besides the folded fabric I have precut strips in the plastic drawers and precut squares in the small drawers on the shelve.

My report this week used 2 yds 27". Didn't add anything
So for the year I've busted 31yds 27".

2009 Stash Report

I've been cleaning my stash and trying to get an amount of how much fabric I really have. I moved it to this bookshelf with the hope all the folded fabric would fit. I am over by about 80 yds Besides the folded fabric I have precut strips in the plastic drawers and precut squares in the small drawers on the shelve.

My report this week used 2 yds 27". Didn't add anything
So for the year I've busted 31yds 27".

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Quilting Sunday, Halloween Decorations and Giveaways!

Where to begin...It was a cold and stormy night; no, no, no...that's Snoopy's line...anyway it was a rather rainy Sunday all day long.  I was happily inside cutting on the Studio cutter at Sew Inspired Quilts!  This free once a month class is just the best.  Today I was able to cut out the pieces for three of the Christmas Tree wallhanging and most of the pieces for the Fall Star quilt, my star quilt will be made from all fall fabrics with various types of leaves in the fabric.  There were several of us in class and we were sharing, so I will return before the next class to complete my cutting.  I will show you two of the patterns, though my fabric choices are totally different!  Remember to double click on the photos to enlarge, that is on any photos in my blog.

On the next note, we have been decorating for Halloween--my family loves the villages and my DS and DD love the lighted ones.  We have set up our two villages, and various other room of decorations.  DH will not allow the outside to be decorated before October--so by next weekend we will be working outside! 

Lastly, but not least for all of your who love Halloween and decorations, there are two great giveaways to take a look at: for the great gift basket of Halloween

and then off to: for another great giveaway of a Primitive One-of-a-Kind Rolling Pin dough Bowl Keep!

Well, I think that is enough excitement for one day and enough to keep everyone busy!  Until tomorrow, quiltingly yours,

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Friday Night Quilting

Last night I was happily quilting with friends and we made a night of it!  We got together at Christine's house and sewed away until about 11:30!  We all worked on our own projects and I want to show you some pictures!  The girls all know that they will be "featured" today; these are beginning of the evening photos and then finished, if a project was small enough to be finished! 

So, up first we have Pam busy sewing and then her gorgeous bag completed!

Next is Cathy hiding behind her machine--work in progress and then her gorgeous finished bag!

Now Laura busy sewing on a mystery quilt challenge--she is making great progress!  She will have this finished before long!

Now Christine who is working on a very special quilt for her pastor!  At the school her daughter attends, they worked on a garden and she took photos and is putting them in a quilt to give to the pastor--while not finished, she made great progress and at the speed at which she sews, she probably has it finished today!

I worked on my Baltimore Halloween--I think I made some progress too--Christine took pictures of me; she said she is going to go back to working on her blog again--yeah, and the pictures will probably appear there! 

We had a great time, it is really too bad we don't all live closer together and could get together more often--but we are already planning for October and going to Pam's!  It is so fun to get together and quilt with friends and these ladies are such great friends! 

I wanted to mention that there is another giveaway going on at Silver Thimble Talk and you can get there by clicking here:, so if you have a chance, take a little trip over to Pat's blog and see the goodies she has in her giveaway for her 150th post! 

It is early tonight, so I am going up to the quilt room to sew--woo hoo, off I go.  Until tomorrow, I am quiltingly yours,