Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Great Giveaway and a New Pattern!

Visit Bluebird Quilts at: for a wonderful giveaway!  Look at the beautiful fabric and the cookie cutter in this giveaway!
I received a package in the mail today all the way from Australia, the gorgeous pattern from Don't Look Now, "How does your garden grow?"  I love it!  I am having a difficult time taking a photo of it though as I keep getting a glaring reflection off of the shiny picture, so I am resorting to "borrowing" one from the website

If you haven't visited her site, you really must!  I love everything about her creativity and original patterns!  I just love the new tree pattern--will have to order that soon!  Thank you so much Kellie for your great giveaways too!  My DS is keeping the envelope with the stamp; it truly impressed him!

So you have a couple of great places to check out!  Until tomorrow, I am quiltingly yours,