Friday, September 18, 2009

100th Post Giveaway--Playin' the Name Game

I have reached the milestone of writing 100 posts, so I figured a giveaway is in order. You're gonna have to work a little bit for this one, but don't worry, it's nothing too hard. Mark made some really cool new fused glass items. I like to give them names. He thinks that's kind of odd, but I think it's a good marketing strategy.

Anyhoo, I need some help on a couple of these. Give me your suggestions on what these should be named and you are in the running for fabulous prizes.

Oh, and a disclaimer before we get started: don't even think about commenting on my photography. I already know the pictures are completely sucky. I did these on the fly just to get them posted. These are not the photos that will be going on the website. I'm looking for name suggestions, not photography critiques. Just wanted to clear that up. And, Aaron (our chief photographer), if you are reading this, I wanted to let everyone know that YOU were not the responsible party for these pictures. Now on to the good stuff.

Item #1: This gorgeous red bowl was slumped in a mold called "origami." So the shape is funky and fun. But "red origami" just isn't doing it for me.

Item #2: This bowl is so much greater in person (remember what I said about critiquing my photography, people). Deep chocolately brown with creamy swirls. I have two thoughts: fudge ripple or espresso with cream. Any other contenders or is one of these already a winner?

Item(s) 3: The glass on these 6" bowls has kind of a metallic look to it. The one on the left has a silvery cast to it, while the one on the right tends to look slightly more golden. A couple of weeks ago I had the perfect name. I'm sure of it. Didn't write it down, so it flew the coop. I want an "edgy" name. Something urban. However...urban oilslick, urban decay...those are just a little too edgy, and not very marketable. Ideas?

To get a chance at fabulous prizes, just leave a comment. If you become a follower of this blog, you will get a second chance to win. If you're already a follower, just leave a second comment saying "I'm a follower" and you will automatically get a second chance as well. The winner will be chosen by the ever-so-impartial random number generator, so you don't even have to come up with a winning name to be the winner. How easy is that? Comments end at 3 p.m. PDT on Monday, September 21.

And now for the fabulous prizes: your choice of either a pendant

or this slumped beer bottle, which is very versatile--a little serving dish for nuts, olives, etc., or more functional, keys, change, cell phone (sorry, coins not included--they have to go back to the petty cash box...).

So get those thinking caps on. Not only could you win a prize, but it might be your name suggestion that ends up on our website.