Saturday, September 26, 2009

Friday Night Quilting

Last night I was happily quilting with friends and we made a night of it!  We got together at Christine's house and sewed away until about 11:30!  We all worked on our own projects and I want to show you some pictures!  The girls all know that they will be "featured" today; these are beginning of the evening photos and then finished, if a project was small enough to be finished! 

So, up first we have Pam busy sewing and then her gorgeous bag completed!

Next is Cathy hiding behind her machine--work in progress and then her gorgeous finished bag!

Now Laura busy sewing on a mystery quilt challenge--she is making great progress!  She will have this finished before long!

Now Christine who is working on a very special quilt for her pastor!  At the school her daughter attends, they worked on a garden and she took photos and is putting them in a quilt to give to the pastor--while not finished, she made great progress and at the speed at which she sews, she probably has it finished today!

I worked on my Baltimore Halloween--I think I made some progress too--Christine took pictures of me; she said she is going to go back to working on her blog again--yeah, and the pictures will probably appear there! 

We had a great time, it is really too bad we don't all live closer together and could get together more often--but we are already planning for October and going to Pam's!  It is so fun to get together and quilt with friends and these ladies are such great friends! 

I wanted to mention that there is another giveaway going on at Silver Thimble Talk and you can get there by clicking here:, so if you have a chance, take a little trip over to Pat's blog and see the goodies she has in her giveaway for her 150th post! 

It is early tonight, so I am going up to the quilt room to sew--woo hoo, off I go.  Until tomorrow, I am quiltingly yours,