Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Remembering Grandma

My design floor has a finished top.

This top is done!! I wish I could start right in on quilting it but, all my basting pins are being used. Guess I should do some machine quilting and get a few of the basted tops done. Then I could count something as all done instead of just on to the next step. For the quilt I used scrappy lights for the back ground and scrappy for the reds/rust. For the green I used all the same fabric the alternate blocks I couldn't find a blue like in the book I liked.
Instead I thought a lighter cream would make the green blocks show more. I like the fabrics
I picked and love the finished top. And I am going to love this quilt on my bed when I get it quilted.

When ever I post about the quilt someone always asks where the pattern came from. So it's from this book. It's the 4th quilt I've made from the book. (yes it's a good book)And here is a picture of the quilt from the book.

The blue pinwheels really give it a different look then mine. But I'm a less busy person I like traditional and simple.