Friday, January 21, 2011

An Award? Me? ...and we have a winner

I wish I could read blogs for a living. There. I said it. There is so much amazing creativity and inspiration out there. Although I must admit that sometimes reading  blogs tends to bog me down. Instead of taking that inspiration and doing something with it, I find much of my available time has been used up.

I read a lot of the same blogs written by the "big girls" that I'm sure many of you do as well. But there are a multitude of lesser-known gems out there. Those are my favorites. Those writers are people who have become my friends.

One of them is Andrea, from Millions of Thoughts. She is funny and witty, an awesome quilter, and my friend. She loves solid fabrics and knows how to use them to their great potential.

The other day I received an email link from her, telling me that she had chosen me to receive the Liebster Blog award. It is "awarded" to crafty blogs with 300 followers or less who are quietly going about doing their own thing and possibly not getting the exposure that some of the larger blogs are.

This is my first blog award. There are a lot of choices out there, and to be chosen by Andrea was both amazing and humbling.

It is an award meant to be passed on. These are listed in no particular order, but I  hope you will take some time to check out the blogs of these incredibly talented women:

quiltish: quiltish is one of the first blogs I started reading on a regular basis. Allisa is the classy and talented creator of many wonderful items that she sells in her etsy shop. Most of all, I highly recommend that you check out her Business Bits series. I have gained an enormous amount of information from this series which is very well written.

Wishes, true and kind:   Like Allisa, Joan lives in the Portland, Oregon, area. Which is probably one of the many reasons I love reading their blogs. I'm a Pacific Northwest girl at heart and I'm hoping one of these days to pop up there and meet them both in person. Joan makes absolutely stunning quilts. You will love all the eye candy in her blog, and enjoy her writing too.

Little Scraps of Happiness: Jen is a Navy wife, whose husband is often gone for long periods of time, and the mother of two small girls. That alone makes me admire her more than I can say. Her quilting is beautiful. I really like reading her blog and she always takes the time to comment.

I'm adding my good friend, Terri, as well, although I'm certain she has a readership larger than 300. (It's so hard to tell with Wordpress and Typepad people...).  She has an amazing eye for color, makes gorgeous quilts and bags (I already have one, and this one is on its way), and is a gifted photographer. So after you check out her blog, be sure to check out her shop!

And one more, who I am sure also has a readership higher than 300. If I could choose one writing style to emulate, it would be Monica of Quilt While You're Ahead (also one of my all-time favorite blog names). Along with quilting, you will see gorgeous pictures of food, knitting, English countryside. It's a highly recommended blog read.

The winner of the polka dot scrap giveaway is dooddles, who said:

"Donating fabric to a worthy cause is never a bad thing. Also, I can't tell you how many times I have picked up fabric at Goodwill and was excited about it. Coming from someone on a VERY tight budget, this has always been a welcome treasure. I need to add pinks to my stash. :o) BTW... polka dots are my fave print! Thanks for the chance. "

So, dooddles, I'll be contacting you soon.
By the way, dooddles has a blog called fabric.addict.
Not that any of us would have a clue what that is all about...