Friday, January 7, 2011

Scientific Research Results...and giveaway winner

Wow, thanks to everyone who took the time to tell me about your favorite ruler, whether it was the brand or the size.

Unless I missed one when reading the comments (entirely possible), eight different brands were mentioned (Omnigrid, Olipfa, Olfa, Creative Grids, June Tailor, Rulersmith, Masterpiece, Fiskars). Overwhelmingly, you people love Omnigrid rulers! And the favorite size? 6 x 24 inches, along with a variety of square rulers, mostly
12 1/2 inches square.

I'm not familiar with Rulersmith or Masterpiece, but someone mentioned the website, ihaveanotion, as a great source for rulers, and I'm anxious to check that out to see what they have.

Oh, were you wondering about the winner of the charm pack? It is MarilynW, who said:

"I have several different rulers made by different companies. I don't care for the ones with yellow writing and I haven't tried the cutting edge ones yet, though I had planned on it next time I needed one...will see if anyone in my guild has one I can try now that I've read your concerns about them being too frosty."

On this gray day in Fresno, I must leave you with some orangey goodness. A while back Jennifer Moore of Monaluna ordered a custom pincushion made from selvages of her own fabrics. Being the orange lover that I am, I chose orange and turquoise. Today she let me know that she did a little post on the pincushion. Thanks, Jennifer.
(Picture courtesy of Jennifer Moore, Monaluna Designs)
Happy weekend sewing. I have a new idea I can't wait to tell you about as soon as I get the details figured out. Oh, and a new designer in training--my granddaughter, Charlotte, designed and sewed her first scarf the other day, with a bit of help from me of course (pictures in a day or two). And then informed me that she is ready to sew her first quilt. By herself. She is 4.