Monday, January 10, 2011

Remember her name

The name of the newest up-and-coming designer, that is. Her name is Charlotte. She designed and made her first scarf last week.

So first, of course, you need a design. Purple. (That may or may not be me in the center. Not sure...)

 Every seamstress needs a pincushion.
 But sometimes you like the back better than the front. Because then you can put a red pin in Rudolph's nose.
It's pin sticking pain staking work getting those pins just where you want them... And it's nice to have your very own Featherweight, named Sammi (short for Samantha) that fits nicely in its own sewing table. (Levi has already claimed my other black Featherweight. According to him, it's a boy.)
 Pictures of the actual sewing process were hard to take, since Grandma (the photographer) and Charlotte (the seamstress) were working together. At the same time.

Nice choice of fabric.Who doesn't like Anna Maria Horner fabric?
 Every designer needs her own label (or a grandma who has a whole bag of selvages with names on them...)
 "Let's take a funny face picture, Grandma." Hopefully we're safe from this appearing on the cover of the National Enquirer--I could be wrong but I don't think they follow my blog...
Isn't this new designer adorable?
Attention quilting world: Charlotte has entered the building...