Saturday, January 8, 2011

The lure of a new project.......

.......usually means that I will leave some other project unfinished.  And this happens a lot.  So for me, the only New Year's Resolution will be NOT TO BEGIN A NEW PROJECT without a lot of thought. 

Jack's block

Joshua's block

I love beginning something new, getting excited about planning it, then settling down to sew with all my threads and beads around me.  It's a big temptation.   So I've been putting aside thoughts of new ideas and dealing with several projects that were just needing a few hours of work to finish them off.   This applied to three of my grandson's baby blocks that I still had to bind and correct a couple of errors in the birth information.  So, I settled down to this and have completed these.  Above are Jack's and Josh's.  I have posted already about Elijah's.  While I was printing out the photos and birth information for the front, I made a label for the back too.