Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday Abundance

This came in the mail yesterday. From my good friend, Terri. I knew it was on its way, because she had posted a picture of it on her blog. And yes, I may or may not have given her a bad time about somewhat "cruel and unusual punishment" of her posting a picture of it before it arrived on my doorstep, because I just wanted to reach out through my computer screen and grab it!

Here is what I can tell you. The real thing is even better. It is impeccably made. Words, or pictures, really do not do it justice. So if you are looking for a nice and roomy tote that is not only functional but gorgeous, contact Terri.
Just the perfect touch of bling:
She even included a little surprise for me.
Beautiful orangey goodness on the inside.
I had coffee with a friend last week and besides a bag of selvages, I got this cute pincushion. Teeny tiny hexies. In orange. On a polka dot background.

I also got a big packet of selvages from Anne of Film and Thread. Anne has given me countless hints on improving my photography. And in a complete bit of irony, I took a picture of the selvages, then "organized" my pictures on Monday, and now I can't find the picture! Obviously my system needs a bit more work...

Any Saffron Craig fans out there? I thought so...

About six weeks ago, Saffron and I decided to do a little trade. From me: a pincushion made out of her selvages.

From her: The one fabric I was missing from her purple and green Bird Tree line.

 But then she included these pieces from her Beetle Bug line!

I feel an abundance of friendship.

And because I can't resist. Yesterday Charlotte drew a picture of me. Don't I look happy? I'm particularly fond of those purple eyelashes.