Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday Thoughts...and a giveaway

I have been organizing: my linen closet, the cookbooks above my cooktop that are never used,  fabric (more about that later--and a small giveaway), and my pictures.  Am I the only one who just downloads pictures to my harddrive and they stay in random folders for months at a time? And then when you need to find a certain picture, you have no clue as to its location? I'm hoping to do better in that regard this year.

In the meantime, here are some pictures I came across (and they are now nicely categorized so I'll be able to find them again if I need to...)

Mark was at a jobsite in the mountains last week, not too far from our rental cabins at Huntington Lake. Coming back to Fresno (which is below the fog bank), he took these. Yes, while driving.

And remember. He was in the mountains, not at the ocean. This is what it looks like when you are above the valley fog bank.

This is what the fog looks like ahead of you...

And next to you...

Amazing pictures, don't you think? 

Sometimes when Charlotte has my iPhone, she takes pictures. I have found many pictures on my phone that make me ask, "What is this??"

I get a lot of pictures like this (gotta love Crayola marking pens...):

or this (she likes to play with fabric from a basket in the family room):

But every once in a while, I also get these gems. Pictures of her brother, Levi. Priceless.

Two random pictures snapped at Borders this morning:

Seen in the parking lot. All silver. Interesting to me on a grey day.

I still get a bit giddy when I see my pincushions on the cover of a magazine. In a major bookstore. The one in the middle.With the turquoise header. Feel free to click on the picture to enlarge. (hehe)

Then I moved on to organizing fabric. Again. Yes, once again seemingly massive piles of fabric are on the way out the door. So here's my question. Do I donate yet again to my church quilting group? I think I may have overwhelmed them a bit last year with donations. Should it go to Salvation Army or Goodwill? Should I sell it? I actually had good luck with some fabric I listed before the holidays and there are some pieces that I will list on etsy, but what about the rest of it? If someone is looking to increase their stash of nearly any color, let me know. For the price of postage it could be yours.

Leave a comment and let me know your thoughts on fabric donation. I have 12 pieces (each  one is about 6 x 8 inches) of really cute polka dot fabric. I'll let the random number generator pick a winner on Thursday morning.

It is also highly likely that I'll add something else to the package. I'm feeling generous, so while you're giving me advice, what color would you most like to add to your stash if you are the winner?

Do tell.