Thursday, February 3, 2011

Color Therapy Thursday

This afternoon I spent an hour with  dental sadist, aka my hygienist. I'm sure she is very nice in a social situation. From my perspective, she had an evil glint in her eye and was wielding high-speed power tools.

Don't get the idea that I don't practice good oral hygiene. Quite the contrary. However, a regular toothbrush just doesn't do the job. So from now on, my Sonicare is my new BFF. Promise.

Trying to take my mind off the high-pitched drilling noise, I went to a happier place. Thinking about fabric and color. Tossing around the idea of doing a spool block quilt-along with lots of different options.

Have you ever taken covert pictures in, say, Borders or Barnes & Noble? Wouldn't these be the starting point for some great quilts? Question: are we getting our ideas from packaging, or are packagers getting their ideas from us?

My favorite:

Okay, I'm outta here. Off to floss again. Ouch...