Saturday, February 26, 2011

I Know I'm a bit Slow

Last Sunday was so much fun. 30 excited women packed into Amitie for a class with Kaffe Fassett and Brandon Mably. It's taken me a week to actually find the time to blog about it.
Everyone had their own design walls layed out like a concertina down one side of the store. We all worked in a frenzy because Kaffe said not to think - just cut! Fabric was flying everywhere.

26 people chose to use Kaffe's and Brandon's fabric yet every design was different.

This one is mine. I didn't have enough of their fabric and am trying to restrain myself from buying so I bought lots of my old retro, kids fabrics to work with.
I met bloggers that I have been chatting to on line....

That's me on the left with Cathy from Cabbage Quilts and Andi from Patch Andi .

I have a video of the intro we got from Kaffe Fassett. It was taken on my iphone and I lost the sound for a bit but it really gives you the gist of what the class was about.

Brandon was the life of the party and really got involved with everyone and everything.

Kaffe was more serious and took himself off to the corner to work on his tapestry or have a cuppa every once in a while.

 It really was a wonderful day.
Now I have to finish the diamonds!