Sunday, March 13, 2011


2 more basted after a having a break. The realtor showed the house 2 days in a row. So had to pick up my mess. Was nice to have a break but now I'm back at it. I got the pattern for both these quilts from Blogs, The bottom one is freeze frame from Judy at Patchwork times. It was a quilt for an hour project from Oct 2009.

The top one is from Bonnie Hunter at Quiltville called Scrappy Bargello the pattern is here on her web site .

I did it a couple years ago Bonnie had a Bargello challenge to use up your ugly fabric. Someday I would like to do another one using pretty fabric and get the hills and valleys to go all the way across the quilt with the same fabric.

So this bring me up to 5 basted quilts not quite 2 a day I wanted but I'm still working at it.