Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Losing weight is making me crazy...

I began my weight loss journey at Weight Watchers (which will be called WW) a week and a half ago and my Aunt Jackie is going with me so we can support each other and help keep the other on track. I started out at 242 with a 37 BMI which throws me in to the obese category.  I have never thought of myself as obese; overweight or heavy, yes; but not obese. My goal is to get down to 150 which will bring my BMI to 23. This seems like such a daunting and impossible task, but I have broken it up into smaller goals so I am not so overwhelmed. Last week I lost 2 pounds which is great and if I can keep that up each week it will only take me 11 or so months to lose all this weight. Holy Shit!! Did I just say 11 months????? I know this is much better than the alternative which will be a heart attack or stroke but OMG that is a long time.

At WW they say that you should not think of this as a diet, this is a lifestyle change. This is the hardest concept for me right now because I have thought of changes like this as a diet for so long. I, like most humans, do not like change. I like all the foods that put me in this position: chocolate, ice cream, doughnuts, lots of cheese, anything made with white flour, and cheesecake! The biggest problem is that I liked that list of items too much and too often. There have already been days where I just want to say “eff this” and go eat a big plate of Mexican food smothered in green chili and cheese, wash it down with a beer and have a fried ice cream at the end (not that I have my cheat meal planned or anything).

Today I was frustrated because I went to lunch with my mom at Garbanzo and had what I thought was a “healthy” meal but it ended up costing me 19 of my 32 daily points. Once I calculated this, the wind left my sails for the day. Now I am talking myself off the ledge so I don’t jump into chocolate land. I know tomorrow is a whole new day and will begin with 32 more points and a new attitude (I hope).