Wednesday, March 16, 2011

WIP Wednesday: I have commitment issues

I was married when I was 21. This June Mark and I will celebrate 38 years of marriage, and for me there is nothing better than being in a totally committed relationship with my best friend.

Why am I telling you this? Because I have this whole other side to me. The one that is apparently completely commitment-phobic. The side where I find a project that I LOVE and intend to stay committed to it from start to finish. But then someone starts another quilt-along. And I move from Door Number 1 to Door Number 2 without a second of hesitation.

These are all in various stages of completion:

That Girl, That Quilt:

Jennifer's pattern will be so cute in Sherbet Pips along with these other fabrics. I can visualize it all now.

Birdie Stitches:

Corey's embroidery is adorable. So instead of making one quilt, I'm planning on making two. There is actually some nice progress on this one. All my blocks are sewn for the entire year, so I'm way ahead on this one. Except the embroidery is only completed on one block.
Bloggers' Block-a-Palooza:

I was so excited about the Sunkissed line of fabric and bought the entire fat quarter stack. It should be easy peasy to sew two blocks each week. It should be easy. Right? Wait a minute. Why is it still a fat quarter stack with the Moda twill ribbon wrapped around it? Good thing I'm at least keeping up with printing out all the block instructions. That counts, doesn't it?
Sliced Coins:

Elizabeth's quilt design will be perfect for one of my friends. Now I just have to pick out some other fabrics and it will go together nicely.

Single Girl:

Are you already tired of hearing about Single Girl? I have cut out nine of my twelve circles. I haven't started sewing them together yet. When the latest installment went online yesterday, it started like this: "So, your Single Girl is all basted and ready to quilt. Yay!" I'm feeling like a total slacker on this one.


Lee is finally starting  Supernova. Isn't that a great name? And the quilt block is phenomenal. There are so many fabrics that would work, but I think her original in Hope Valley completely rocks. I stocked up and I'm ready to go.

Bottled Rainbows:

Rachel, I have an excuse: I'm still waiting for my Kona cotton. Really. Because if I had my Kona cotton, I'd be completely finished with my blocks already. I'm sure of it...

Lily's Quilts:

Oh so tempting. I'm going to print out the instructions and put it on the back burner for a while because I think it will be a great project this summer when we're managing the rental cabins.

But some major progress was made during the week. The quilting on Discontinuity is completely done (all horizontal rows) and I love it. It just needs the binding.

So now you know my secret. I need an accountability group, which is why I'm posting this confession on WIP Wednesday.

These are all amazing quilt-alongs designed by wonderful quilt artists. I want to start, and then complete, them all!! It really bugs me that I get so easily distracted.

Please tell me that I'm not the only one with commitment issues. Do I need therapy? Anyone want to join me? Maybe we could put our heads together and design another quilt-along...I promise to stay committed.