Monday, March 28, 2011

McFatty Monday Update this past week was difficult. I am trying not to point the finger and take responsibility. I was home all week with my son on spring break. My son is five and has an incredibly fast metabolism, therefore he asks for a snack every 20-30 min of the day. This forces me to go to the kitchen all day long and get him snacks. Of course I am not going as often as he would like, but every time I go pour him some goldfish crackers or pretzels I take a couple for myself. I did end up losing .5 pounds this week which is great. Playing at the park with him was probably the reason I actually lost weight.

Now I am back to work and my regular eating schedule is back on track. I find it easier at work too since I am so busy, I actually forget to eat at times. This is also not good since I need to consume all my points each day. This is my second time through Weight Watchers and I have to say I am learning much more about nutrition and how my body reacts to the food I eat this time around. This time is not just about losing weight, it is about changing my relationship with food in general. I have a skirt that I really want to get back in this summer. I have it sitting on my dresser as a daily reminder of a goal. I am not a huge scale person, I measure my success far more by how my clothes fit and what clothes I can fit into.

Week three is going to be easier and better on the scale! Happy McFatty Monday Everyone!!