Sunday, March 20, 2011

Return to Blogging

It has been a very long time and a long snowy, hard winter.  Today is the first day of Spring, and I can't think of a better day to return to my very neglected blog!  I am hoping that with Spring, I am renewed and can bring about an informative and fun blog!  While I have not started out this year in the same quilting manner as last year--which was such a wonderful beginning of sewing or quilting every day regardless of how long; I have still been involved with some quilting, a quilt show in Somerset, New Jersey already and a couple of quilt classes! 

I have also come back to reading my favorite blogs and one that I visited, Bejeweled by Barb, is having a fantastic giveaway for some very special buttons!  A company called:  ButtonMad which originated in South Africa and empowering women by offering them a craft and employment to better themselves.  Check out their website and see the incredible buttons they are making!  Absolutely awesome! 

An update on the tiny kitty--not so tiny any more:

Until tomorrow then.....quilt more....Barb