Tuesday, July 19, 2011

WIP Wednesday #36

Wednesday again. How does this happen with such frequency?

I have spent most of my available sewing time this week working on Farmer's Wife blocks (come back for Farmer's Wife Friday) and Snow Angels.Yesterday I mentioned some of my math problems in regard to Snow Angels. I thought I had the border all planned out but then things went in a totally different direction.

Right now you may be asking yourself this question:

How long did it take her to come up with such an inventive and creative border for this quilt??

You would be surprised. I had planned to use the leftover jellyroll strips on two sides, but it was just too busy, so they will become part of the back.

Then I auditioned a stack of fabric in different combinations. I thought about using a narrow red border to "stop the action" and then add about a 4" border of some of the prints.I even really liked the polka dots, particularly because it was not part of the line and added a little extra "something." But it was still too busy, and I wanted the circles to continue, not be stopped.
 So then I thought about how I wanted to quilt it. I want to use perle cotton in red, blue and two shades of pink, and maybe some white. I really like the circles created as a secondary design and want to emphasize that so my plan is to quilt 1/4" inside each grey piece. Then I decided I would like to finish off the illusion by carrying the quilting into the border. Kind of like this:
I didn't want to piece the solid grey borders, and that's how I ended up fussy cutting a cute little girl on a swing for each corner.
Does that make any sense? Have I thoroughly confused you? Awesome. My work is done.

So go see what everyone else has been working on this week.

Envelope Swap.....Thank you Jenny!!

I received my mystery swap(hosted by Tee- The Altered Paper)
 envelope from Jenny of Jenny's Heart blog.  Thanks so much Jenny!!! 
I love( LOVE LOVE) all the goodies:
  flowers, cupcakes, ribbon, stickles, buttons, papers, stickers.....
Items much prettier in person, I didnt lay them out very well..oops...
With the mystery swap you had to use 75% of the items to make something and I made this scrapbook page. (I tried but still have a lot of items left.)

 The picture is of me and my husband on vacation, 
we stopped on the way to S. Carolina at 
Woodrow Wilsons childhood home
-this picture was taken in front of the historic sign in July 2009. 
The flower is handmade by me out of cupcake liners
 (they are so cute-colorful cupcakes pattern and
 of course included in my mystery swap envelope)

I am linking this to Simon Says Anything Goes Challenge
That's all for now, have a great day  and thanks again Jenny!!!

Can You Say HOT!

The weather in my neck of the woods is seriously hot and humid.  I've been trying to stay indoors as much as possible.  Over the last few days I've been working on projects.  Up first is the wonky star quilt.  I've finished piecing it.  Now it sits on my "to quilt" pile.  I can't quilt it as I've run out of batting.  I'm not going out, anywhere, until the weather cools a bit.

I did, however, have enough batting to get quilting on my dotty spotty quilt.

I've finished the quilting on this one and attached the binding already.  It's now in the blocking process and then a hanging sleeve.

And today, I'm trying may hand at sewing a garment.  Eeeeeekkkkk!  I pulled some fabrics from my stash that have been there for eons and that I won't likely use in a quilt anymore.  So this is my prototype:

It will be a tunic top......hopefully, when done and I'm basically trying it out to see if I can make it to my correct size and that I like the fit.  At this point I haven't attached sleeves yet.  I'm hoping to do some more tunics in the near future...I bought some patterns.  I'm into the tunic style top at the moment.  Who knows...maybe I'll enjoy sewing garments so much that I will want to be on Project Runway. NOT!!!