Friday, July 15, 2011

Farmer's Wife Friday: Progress is Our Watchword

The letter this week was very interesting to me. The writer, from Michigan, seemed to be feeling a sense of pity from women who lived in the city, and she was not going to put up with it! "Now that her city sister seems to pity the farmer's wife let all the farmers' wives straighten their backs, throw up their heads and shout, 'Don't pity me!'...Progress is our watchword, so watch out, for we're going on as fast as we can. This world must be made safe for the farmer's wife. Let's--start--now!'"

Can't you picture this woman standing on a street corner, in a city, with a sign that says, "I'm a farmer's wife. Don't pity me!"

There were a lot of things happening at the turn of the century, in the early '20s. There were new discoveries and inventions. Shoppers were able to purchase items like cars and appliances on credit! But corruption was also rampant.

I'm sure the writer of this letter was happy to be living away from all the hustle and bustle, where "we have no noisy whistles to wake us; the birds and the sun do that."

The first block #18, called Century of Progress, was certainly an appropriate one for the letter this week. It wasn't an easy block to make and I wondered if there had been an error in printing because of the color placement. I usually try to get a clue from the letter for color selection, but "century of progress" didn't bring any specific colors to mind. So I just picked these mulberry shades because I liked them.

For #51, Hovering Birds," I wasn't really in the mood for more blackish birds, since I did that last week. So my birds this week are kind of a rusty color. I'm sure there are some rusty-colored birds somewhere. Do you have any in your part of the country?

I also enjoyed this sentence in the letter: "We are no longer hayseeds [emphasis mine]." As you know, Mark now has the moniker of Minnesota Hayseed Psychologist, and one of these Fridays he will be giving his unique perspective on growing up on a farm. Should be very interesting. You won't want to miss it.

You also won't want to miss Carla's comments on the letter and the blocks for this week.