Sunday, July 10, 2011

First Update on Mom

Update on my Mom - Saturday, July 9, 2011

Moved this post over from my other blog - so all updates would be here.

Last week Friday, I came to Fort Atkinson where my Mom lives and went with her to a follow up doctor appointment.  In May, Mom had Pancreatitus, Gall Bladder removal surgery, and a scope surgical procedure to check the Pancreas.  She had been hospitalized for three weeks and now home for about three weeks.  Mom is doing pretty good, but still very weak.

At last week Friday's appointment the doctor ordered some more tests.  She had an MRI of her brain on Thursday. Within an hour of the test the doctor called me and said he had bad news.  He said Mom has a brain tumor 2 1/2" in diameter. He described it to my Mom as the size of a fist.  It is between the bone of her skull and the soft lining of the brain and it needs to be surgically removed, as it is causing pressure on the brain.  The Doctor said it is affecting the short term memory part of her brain and causing some confusion. He put Mom on a seizure medicine and a medicine for the swelling.  He scheduled an appointment at University Hospital in Madison with a Neurology Surgeon.

Monday, we will meet with the Neurology surgeon.  Mom will have another MRI on Monday or Tuesday to do mapping for the surgery. The surgery is now scheduled for Thursday.  The Doctor's nurse said there is a slight chance the Dr. would move the surgery up to Monday, if Mom is worse by the appointment.

I believe she is feeling better and thinking a little clearer at times, as the medicines seem to be helping.  Maybe they are relieving some of the pressure on the brain.

My youngest brother, Marty who lives in Texas and his wife, Ann are driving up here, to Wisconsin.  Mark and his wife Julie live a house away from my Mom.  We will gather for a dinner at Mark and Julie's tonight and spend some time with Mom, all together this weekend.

Please keep my Mom and our family in your thoughts and prayers...


Me and Mom, when we made the Hospice Passage Quilt, earlier this year.  Alex, my nephew took the pictures.  He really had us laughing, so he got some good smiles!