Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I am not a mathlete

You know what I mean, right?  A person who excels in math. Yeah. I'm not one of those.

This conversation occurred at the quilting retreat last weekend in Minnesota regarding my Snow Angels quilt:
Amanda Jean/ Terri: How big are you making that quilt?

Me:  9x9.

AJ/T (sounding uber impressed): Wow, really? You're making 81 of those blocks?

(Off on a tangent: see that cute little Funky/Flirty/Fabulous lady block to the side of Snow Angels? I think they liked each other. Amanda Jean made it--you can see it better here.)
Me (sounding quizzical): Huh? No, I'm making 9!

AJ/T: You just said you were making it 9 x 9. That's 81 blocks.

Me (thinking "duh"): Oh...I meant 3x3.

See what I mean? Apparently even basic multiplication is beyond my level of math expertise.

I would like to say that that was the end of my math problems regarding Snow Angels. However...

To make the maximum use of my pieced-together jellyroll strips, I decided to add a piano keys border. I didn't have enough to go around the entire quilt. I figured I had enough  for a 6 inch border on two sides. Nope not enough. So I sliced it in half and sewed strips together. Way too many strips. First was too wide and too short, then it was too narrow and too long. Maybe it's just this quilt in general...I'm determined to figure it out so I can post something for WIP Wednesday. Bet you can hardly wait...
It's true. I'm not a mathlete.

And in case you were wondering--I'm not an athlete either. Bummer.