Thursday, July 7, 2011

Bonnie's Big Adventure

Our bags are packed and we're ready to go....

'Cause we've leaving on a jet plane....

Do you remember that old song, sung by Peter, Paul and Mary?
My little Featherweight, "Bonnie,"  and I are on our way to Minnesota for a quilting adventure, right next to Gruber's Quilt Shop in St. Cloud.

I'm stuffing this into my checked baggage--this should be enough to keep me occupied for 2 1/2 days, right? In case you're wondering...I don't know if there will be much room for clothing. I might have to wear the same thing day after much for making a good impression. But my new friends will probably be more interested in what fabric I'm bringing along rather than what I'm wearing.

If by some weird cosmic circumstance I would actually finish all my projects and need more fabric have nothing to do, I can go across the street and shop at Gruber's. I've been there before. It's amazing. Their website says they carry 10,000 bolts of fabric. Uh oh...

Don't forget to come back here tomorrow for Farmer's Wife Friday, and on Monday for The Name Game, where Minnesotan (of course I have to feature a Minnesota blogger on the Name Game while I'm in the state of Minnesota!) Crystal from Sonnet of the Moon will be here. Ah...the marvels of modern technology--my blog carries on even when I'm not here.