Friday, July 1, 2011

Farmer's Wife Friday: No Safer Road to Travel

The letter spotlighted this week (see what Carla has to say about this letter, too) was written by a farmer's wife in Nebraska. She begins by saying, "I know no safer road to travel through real living than my daughter would take if a farmer were her life companion." She had a very descriptive style of writing and I based the colors on some of her word pictures.

"To see the sun climb out of bed and reach out rosy fingers to pick up the dew drops from field and meadow..." had me choosing colors that reminded me of the rosy pinks and corals of a sunrise.

 Country Path (#24)
" watch the joyous greeting of all nature, in the summer time, is worth more than silver and gold can buy."  I imagined fields of flowers, rows of corn, with the green foliage interspersed among them.
Silver Lane (#79)
Do you ever wake up early enough to enjoy the "rosy fingers" of a sunrise?