Monday, October 25, 2010

and the winners are...

Well, the random number generator first picked number 61, Anne from Film and Thread, who said:

"I'm not entering the giveaway, but the answers are: I have saved the selvages since I learned that they were desirable, but I have no idea if I will ever use them. And, no, I haven't been to the festival, but would love to some day. "

So I entered the numbers again, and this time it picked number 4, Felicity, who said:

"I haven't been to the International Quilt Festival, and I just started saving selvages to send to someone I know who makes lovely pincushions out of them. ;) "

So Felicity, the fabric will soon be on its way to you.

Now for the copy of the magazine, which won't arrive to my house for a week or so yet, so please be patient:

Number 19, Michelle, who said:

"Congrats! I would love to get a copy of the magazine - and the fabric wouldn't hurt either ;)"

I'll contact you both by email and we'll get things rolling.

Thanks to everyone for all your kind comments. It means a lot to me.

The pincushions should be in the etsy shop soon. I know I keep saying that...but I finally photographed them today.

And there has been destashing. So expect to see fabric in there as well!