Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Exciting Morning

I was reading one of my regular reads at Bubblegum and Duct Tape and look what I saw....
Before I announce the winner of my giveaway, I'd like to thank all of you who took the time to enter and tell me what you would order from CSN. I love entering giveaways in blogland as there's always a good chance to win since there's usually not a lot of entries. CSN was kind to offer this opportunity to Bubblegum and Duct Tape and I couldn't pass it off since I knew it would be fun for all and one lucky person would win.

Now, on to business. The winner of my $45 gift certificate to CSN stores is....

I checked the comment number with the Random number about fifty times to make sure I didn't mess up, lol.

Kim of AGypsyAngel!!!Congratulations Kim, please send me your email address

Lets just say that made my day!!! What a wonderful prize. I better go for now and email her. So a big big Thanks to Maria at Bubblegum and Duct Tape. You have to visit her blog, she has such cute and fun (and usually easy) tutorials for all kinds of things all the time.

Have a great day. I will be posting some more cards today later