Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Trading Places

There has some trading going on around here...

If you have been blogging, or even just reading blogs, for a while now, you no doubt have noticed how generous other bloggers/quilters are. When I jumped on Jennifer's destash of pink coriander fabric (perhaps sounding a little desperate...) I may have also mentioned how much I wanted the grey seeds fabric from Flea Market Fancy, which is extremely hard to find. When I received my pink coriander (also hard to find), tucked inside was a little surprise for me--grey seeds! Jennifer has also kindly offered to be a tester for a new item to be added (hopefully) to sewing on the edge.

At about the same time, Amanda Jean also had some grey seeds available (and, no, I don't think it is possible to have too much of this fabric), so I thought a little trade might be in order: a customized pincushion (and was this one ever fun to make!)...

 ...for some more grey seeds.
 And then I happened to mention on flickr that I would love to find some Flea Market Fancy floral on the grey background (I'm sure you notice the trend here--my obsession with FMF fancy, especially in grey, some of the hardest part of that line to track down!) and I got a a note from Chris saying, "This is your lucky day!" So we worked out another trade. A bright cheery pincushion for her (because these colors reminded me of her bright and cheery quilts)...
 ...in exchange for this fabulous FMF floral on the grey background.

And I'm also finally trading in my most loved ruler (on the left), originally available from Judy Martin, quilter and quilt block designer extraordinaire. The most perfect size in my opinion, 7x19 inches. I know that sounds like an odd size but it has served me well for many years. In fact, when she decided that it was not economically feasible to order another shipment of these rulers, I quickly emailed her to see if she had any, any, rulers available. She had two used rulers and I purchased them both. One is now warped (*sigh*--can you say hot car in the Fresno summer heat?) and the markings on the other are nearly worn off from use. Last week I read about Pat Sloan's new rulers (on the right), with the cutting edge that actually sharpens your rotary cutting blade! The size is 6 1/2 by 18 1/2 inches, nearly perfect.

So, thank you to all my dear bloggy friends. Your generosity is overwhelming. And trading is like Christmas to me.

If I could recommend a movie to watch during the holidays, or any time, it would definitely be Trading Places with Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy. Also nearly perfect...

And something I would not trade for all the money in the world:

(although I think Levi is going to have to trade that hat with the pink pompoms and polka dots in for something else...)