Saturday, October 2, 2010

Go Magpies!

Firstly I have to say I am in a very good mood. Yesterday my footy team won their 15th premiership. It's been 20 years since the last premiership and the team certainly deserved to win. Last week was a drawn Grand Final so both teams had to come back to play a second time with a week's break. Lots of people hate the Magpies. Maybe they are jealous, maybe they just can't help it. It's almost a thing that Melbournites are born with. You either hate them or love them. I ask them, "Why do you hate us so much?" and the reply is, "I don't know, I just do!"
When my Grandfather immigrated here over 60 years ago, he was very ill and a family, hearing of his plight, took him under their wing. They basically adopted my parents when they followed to Australia and we were part of their family when we were eventually born.
They barracked for Collingwood and took my oldest brother to the game every week. When my next brother was old enough to know, he announced that he was going to barrack for Melbourne, to which the eldest replied that he had better follow the Magpies or he would bash him up. He was big on bossing  us young ones around!
One of my earliest memories of childhood was brother number two saying to me that I had better follow Collingwood or I would be 'in for it!' So the decision was made for me to preserve family harmony and I happily stuck by it.
I sat with my younger sister two inches from the TV and hooted with delight as our team romped through the final. My husband and boys were watching either at home or with friends but they all barrack for Melbourne so they just can't really be in the zone. I am not sure what the neighbours must have thought with all our screaming and crying out but I just need to say one more time till next year, " Go Pies!"

Later that night I actually did some sewing and stitched up the striped tablecloth. Looking very cool but so much smaller than anticipated.

So it was back to the drawing board this morning to add on a row and a column.

This time I let my son lay out the triangles before I stitch them up. He was really annoyed with me last time when I rushed ahead without him but I didn't want it to end up too planned.