Friday, October 1, 2010

Lark Crafts Quilt Festival!

All during the month of October, Lark Crafts is featuring a Quilt Festival on their blog. Full of free quilt projects, interviews with quilt designers, and lots of fun quilting inspiration!

Ho Jo Space Spores

And guess who is their first featured artist? That's right, yours truly!

Morning Glory

To make things even more sweet, they are offering 3 FREE projects of mine, that were featured in their book Quilts, BABY!

Click on this link to read the interview and to learn how to make my 3 "Space Spores Trilogy" quilts shown here!


Happy Quilting!


On a more serious note... In regards to yesterday's post, many heart felt good wishes to all of you for your kind words. Please know that I am not always, (although I wish I were) such a "look at the glass half full" kind of gal. In fact I am often the complete opposite and know very well how to throw a full blown pity party for myself.

But sometimes, when everything is raining down on you at once you just have to give in, let go, and count your blessings, for which I have many. Unfortunately sometimes it takes the act of dying to fully embrace the gift of living.

xo Vic