Thursday, October 14, 2010

New Color Weave Work

Note: Rain came today, and remains in the forecast for the next several days, but after a 2 week blog hiatus, (that actually felt much longer) I was anxious to get the following work photographed and posted... so please excuse the non-too stellar quality of these shots.)

Fall has finally come, and I think it's obvious that the season's arrival has had a strong influence on my color pallet...

Color Weave #3 is now available in my shop.
(Note: Now Sold.)

And to keep things interesting, I made another fall inspired "Color Weave", but this time I folded it up and made a...


With a beautiful hand made ceramic button, from my friend Maggie,

and modeled here by my youngest in her oh, so snazzy purple jeans,
the clutch is roomy enough to hold a sketchbook/journal and supplies...

This Color Weave Artisans Clutch is also now available in my shop.


In other news... Thank you all for the sweet well wishes and thoughts. My husband was able to stay with his mother for one week, as she amazingly held on, defying the doctors and the Hospice workers earlier predictions that she only had a day or two left. He reluctantly left at the end of the week, as he had to get back to his job 8 hours away. My Mother-in-Law passed away later that same evening. While this has been very sad, and she will be missed, we are relieved to know that she is no longer suffering. Now, go hug all the people you love, breath in some fresh air, marvel at birds flying by, (or stars in the sky) and smile.