Monday, May 23, 2011

The Name Game: Crazy Mom Quilts

In the early days of my quilt blog reading, I kept coming across the name "crazy mom quilts" in blogrolls. And for good reason, it turns out. Amanda Jean, the writer behind the name crazy mom quilts has given quilters a wealth of information, from block tutorials and quilt-alongs to a video on freemotion quilting, all written with honesty and lots of humor. As I've gotten to know Amanda Jean better (and yippee!! I'm actually meeting her this summer in Minnesota), she was the first person I sought an opinion from about the Name Game series.
She thought it would be a fun series, so I'm completely honored that she agreed to be one of the first interviewees:

1.  How did you choose the name crazy mom quilts?

OK, I'll tell you...and you can laugh if you want. Some of my retreat peeps did. I was about to use a different name. A friend at the time told me flat out not to, basically saying it was lame-o. At the time it stung a bit. My husband was in agreement with my friend, which stung even more. But holy  moly, were they right!!! Truthfully, when I was picking my blog name with the blogger screen open, I didn't have a good idea what to name it. I had to have a google account, so in yahoo I was typing in address names that might work...then I checked it in blogger to see if it was available. Crazy Mom Quilts was available in both, so I went with it.

2.  Were there other names you considered, and can you share any of them with us?

Yes, but I'd rather not divulge the specifics. :) As I mentioned, when my friend actually laughed at my first name idea, and my husband was in agreement with her, I knew it was NOT a keeper!

3. Now that you are recognized by crazy mom quilts, are you happy with it, or do you wish you could change it to something else? 

The name choice was quite an accident, but it fits. I'm totally growing into my name. And I really like it. As if you couldn't tell. :)

Thanks, Amanda Jean!

I hope you will all head on over to crazy mom quilts and say hi. Check out her FAQ, which contains a wealth of valuable information.

Did you know that Mary is the real person behind the fabulous blog, Molly Flanders? Aren't you curious to find out who Molly Flanders is? Come back next week and find out!