Saturday, May 21, 2011

We Can Do It! Skill Buuilder Sampler with Leila starting June 17, 2011

BWS tips button

I will be joining Leila's We Can Do It! Skill Builder Sampler group.  I need it!  Check it out at
I definitely need to work on my basic skills!

I have not been able to complete ANY of the four sections of the paper pieced block for the mystery quilt with the bluepatch quilter.  I keep ending up with templates the wrong size and blocks the wrong size... Monday is another day.  I have fresh templates sitting on the desk and I will start over again. 

I will spend the rest of the night with my stitch ripper tearing out two rows of the stitch in the ditch that I did on a baby quilt I am making.  It is supposed to be done Wednesday.  Grrr.  I might have to finish it another way than what I had planned with the stitch in the ditch quilting and a binding and go back to my old ways to make sure it gets done.

My son will be done with preschool on Thursday this week.  I don't plan on getting much sewing in during the summer break.  But my little guy and I have tons of outdoor fun planned.  I'll quilt now and then during the evening and night, and will get back to it full swing after school starts up again.  I plan to keep up with my current quiltalongs and mystery quilts and block swap adventure and block lotto.  I'll also need to get my friendship blocks for the quilt guild done this summer.

Oh what a boring post this was.  Back to my stitch ripping...