Friday, May 20, 2011

Y3W - Baby on Hold

So last night the hubby and I made the decision that we will be putting another baby on hold. For the last couple years we have not been "really" trying but there has been no goalie in our net so to speak. I have always thought I would have more than one child and while I was part of this decision, it is still a very hard pill to swallow. We are finally able to see the light at the end of the horrible financial tunnel we have been in for almost 3 years now and adding another person (a very expensive person at that) to our house right now is just not in the cards. I am only 34 right now and I am still holding out hope that we will be in a much better place to maybe have another child. If not, we have a beautiful, wonderful son that we get to spoil and make sure he has all he needs and most of what he wants. This has been weighing on my mind for a while and my girlfriend just had her first baby last night and it just got me thinking about all the things that come along with newborns. I have never regretted becoming a parent but I must say that I am so glad to be able to get 8 hours of sleep each night and glad I don’t to plan for three hours and pack a suitcase to take a trip to Target. There are also days I am not sure I want to take the trip down the road of 4 year-old again, Ethan tested my mental status during that time and I think I am on the road back from Crazy Town as we speak. This may be one reason I will continue to volunteer at Children’s Hospital – Denver, I can get a weekly baby fix and help out babies that really need some extra love in the process. Thank goodness I have friends that are in the baby making business and I can always volunteer to watch their babies too!

Have a Great Weekend!!