Monday, May 30, 2011

McFatty Monday Update - Memorial Day

So last week I did not have time to do the Monday update, or maybe I did not want to report another set back. I had a much better week this week. I lost 1.6 (but last week I gained 1.4) so all together I am down by 12.6. Still not bad in my opinion, I am at least fitting into most of my smaller clothes and feeling better every day. This weekend has been a true test and let me tell you, I did not pass the test yesterday. I think I was tired of watching what I eat and decided that yesterday was going to be a free for all day. Well, I ate pretty bad and did not feel too great last night. Lesson learned, bad food = bad feeling. I think I ate bad for so long before that I did not notice how bad that food made me feel and now that I am eating much better, that food, while it is so yummy, can only be consumed in small amounts or I feel like crap.

Today we are thinking of all the service men and women who have sacrificed so much for our freedom and we are thankful! I hope everyone has a very happy and healthy Memorial Day and week!